Thursday, May 14, 2009

Religion in Indonesia

Religion is a belief in the principle that God must have in every human being, because human beings are able to recognize himself and his Lord, and with the religious man can know the rights and obligations as beings created in God.

In Indonesia, many of which have various beliefs or Religion, but Religion in Indonesia is recognized that there are only five, among others, Islam, Catholic and Protestant Christian, Hindu, Buddhist and Kong Hu Cu.

A. Islam

Religion Islam is believed one god, the language of Islam (the lafaz) has several meanings. Islam consists of a basic letter (in Arabic): "Sin", "Lam", and "Mim". Some words in Arabic, which has the same basic letter to the "Islam", have regard to the meaning of Islam.

Islam is the language: Islamul wajh (squash face), Al istislam (surrender), As Salamah (pure net), As Salam (safe and prosperous), As Silmu (peace), and Sullam (stairs, steps, or taddaruj) .

The term Islam means the revelation of God, diin the prophets and apostles, the guidelines of human life, the laws of God that is in the Qur'an and As Sunnah, and he is a straight path, for the salvation of the world and the Hereafter.
The name of holy book of Islam: Al-Qur'an.
Name of teaching: Prophet Muhammad SAW
Beginner: Less / over 1400 years ago.
Name of the liturgy: Mosque.
Religious feast day: Muharram, Asyura, Maulud Nabi, Isra 'Mi'raj, Nuzulul Qur' an, Idul Fitri, Idul Adha and New Year Hijriah.

B. Christian Protestant and Catholic

Christian is a belief that is based on the teachings, life, misery, and died the resurrection of Jesus Christ or Jesus Christ. Christians believe this religion of Jesus Christ is Lord and Messiah, the interpreter congratulations to all of mankind, who redeemed mankind from sin. They worship at the church and the Scriptures is their Bible. Disciples of Jesus Christ were called Christians first in Antiokia

Is a Protestant religious sect in the Christian. Sect or denomination is displayed after the protest Martin Luther in the year 1517 with its 95 proof.

The word applied to their own Protestant Christians who reject the teachings and authority of the Catholic Church.

The word Catholic actually means "universal" or "whole" or "general" (from the Greek adjective (katholikos) describe the nature of the church founded by Jesus Christ.
The name of holy book of Christian Protestant and Catholic: the Gospel.
Name of teaching: Isa / Jesus Christ.
Beginner: Less / over 2000 years ago.
Name of the liturgy: Church.
Religious holiday: Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, Jesus Christ Ascension, and Pentecost.

C. Hindu

Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world that still survive until now, in the Hindu language Sanskrit means: Sanatana Dharma "Eternal Truth," and Vaidika-Dharma (The Truth). Hinduism is a religion that comes from the Indian subcontinent. Religion is a continuation of religious Weda (Brahmanisme) which is belief in the nation Indo-Iranian (Aryan). Religion is estimated to appear between the years 3102 BC until 1300 BC.
Name the book of sacred Hindu: Weda
Name of Teaching: --
Beginnings: pre-history.
Name of the liturgy: Pura.
Religious holiday: Nyepi, Saraswati, Pagerwesi, Galungan and Kuningan.

D. Buddha

Buddha in Sanskrit is: They are aware, pure enlightenment is reached. from the Sanskrit word: "Budh", to know, Buddha is a degree to the individual to realize the full potential is to promote themselves and the developing realize. In contemporary usage, is often used to refer Gautama Siddharta, the founder of religious teachers and the Buddhist Religion is "the Buddha for this time." In usage, it is a draw and an example for people who have been aware.

Buddhist do not assume Siddharta Gautama Buddha as Sang Hyang first or last. Technically, Buddha, someone who found a Dharma or Dhamma (which means: Truth; things that actually, ingenuity, the human trouble, and the road to true freedom through awareness, came after a good karma (goal) preserved all balanced and bad actions not advanced abandoned).
Buddhist holy book name: Tri Pitaka.
Name of teaching: Sidharta Gautama.
Beginner: Less / over 2500 years ago.
Name of the liturgy: Vihara.
Religious holiday: Waisak and Katina.

E. Kong Hu Cu

Kong Hu Cu or Konfusius, was a wise teacher or a famous person and also Chinese social philosopher, sometimes often just called Kongcu (Hanzi, Pinyin hanyu: Kongfuziã €? Kongzi) (551 BC - 479 BC). philosophy to the government and private morality, and became popular because of the strong principle in nature traditional Chinese. By the religion embraces Kong Hu Cu, it is recognized as a prophet.
The name of holy Scripture Kong Hu Cu: --
Name of the liturgy: Kong Hu Cu
Beginning: --
Place Name the liturgy: pagoda / Vihara
Religious holiday: Sembayang to the spirit ancestors, New Year Imlek, Ca Go Mek, Twan Yang, Twan Yang, Tangcik Day / Round prayer etc.
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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Indonesia Ethnic

Indonesia is the country that countries from different tribes, including the Javanese, Sundanese, Acehnese, Madurese, Batak, Minangkabau, Balinese, and Buginese.
If viewed from the population, Java is a tribe of the largest tribes in Indonesia, The Sundanese are the second largest tribe, the third largest tribe is the tribe of Madura, the nations fourth largest tribe is the tribe they are from the Minangkabau of West Sumatra province.
Here are a tribe of Indonesia.
1. Abai - East Kalimantan
2. Abung - Sumatra
3. Aceh - Aceh DI
4. Adang - Kalimantan
5. Adonara - NTB / NTT
6. Akit - Sumatra
7. Alas - DI Aceh
8. Alifuru - Maluku
9. Alor Solor - NTB / NTT
10. Ambon - Maluku
11. Ampana - South
12. Anak Dalam - Riau
13. Anabas - Sumatra
14. Aneuk Jame - Sumatra
15. Anggi - Papua
16. Angkola - Sumatra
17. Aput - Kalimantan
18. Arab - DKI Jakarta
19. Arguni - Papua
20. Aru - Maluku
21. Asmat - Papua
22. Atoni - NTB / NTT
23. Awiu - Papua
24. Ayou - Kalimantan
25. Bacan - Maluku
26. Bada - Sulawesi
27. Badar - Maluku
28. Bahau - Kalimantan
29. Bajau - Jambi
30. Bajo - Sulawesi
31. Baku - Sulawesi
32. Balantak - Sulawesi
33. Balatan - Central Sulawesi
34. Bali - Bali
35. Bali Aga - NTB / NTT
36. Banda - Maluku
37. Banggai - Central Sulawesi
38. Bangka - Sumatra
39. Banjar - South Kalimantan
40. Banjar Hulu - South Kalimantan
41. Banjar Kuala - South Kalimantan
42. Banten - Banten
43. Bantenan - Sulawesi
44. Bantik - North Sulawesi
45. Banyak - Sumatra
46. Basap - Kalimantan
47. Batak - Sumatra
48. Batang Lupar - Kalimantan
49. Batanta - Papua
50. Batin - Jambi
51. Batu - Sumatra
52. Batu Blah - Kalimantan
53. Bawean - Java
54. Bela - Sumatra
55. Belang - South
56. Belu - NTB / NTT
57. Bengkulu - Bengkulu
58. Benua - Sumatra
59. Berusu - East Kalimantan
60. Besoa - Sulawesi
61. Betawi - DKI Jakarta / West Java
62. Biaju - Kalimantan
63. Biak - Papua
64. Biasaya - Kalimantan
65. Biliton - Sumatra
66. Bima - West Nusa Tenggara
67. Bituni - Papua
68. Bobongko - Sulawesi
69. Bodha - NTB / NTT
70. Boh - Kalimantan
71. Bolaang Mongondow - South Sulawesi
72. Bonfia - Maluku
73. Bonai - Riau
74. Bugis - South Sulawesi
75. Bukar, Dayak - Kalimantan
76. Bukar, Punan - Kalimantan
77. Bukit - Kalimantan
78. Bukitan - Kalimantan
79. Bukupai - West Kalimantan
80. Buli - Maluku
81. Bulungan - KalimantanTimur
82. Bungku - Sulawesi
83. Buol - South
84. Buru-Maluku
85. Busang - Kalimantan
86. Buton - Sulawesi Tenggara
87. Buyu - South
88. Caniago - West Sumatra
89. China - Java / Kalimantan / DKI Jakarta / Indonesia
90. Damar - Maluku / NTB / NTT
91. Dani - Papua
92. Darat - Sumatra
93. Dawan - NTT
94. Dayak - West Kalimantan / Kalimantan Tengah
95. Demta - Papua
96. Desa - Kalimantan
97. Dodongko - NTB / NTT
98. Dompo - NTB / NTT
99. Dusun - West Kalimantan
100. Ende - NTB / NTT
101. Enggano - Bengkulu
102. Flores - NTT
103. Furuaru - Maluku
104. Galela - Maluku
105. Gene - Maluku
106. Gayo - DI Aceh
107. Genyem - Papua
108. Gimpu - Sulawesi
109. Goram - Maluku
110. Gorontalo - North Sulawesi
111. Guai - Papua
112. Guci - West Sumatra
113. Halmahera, Maluku
114. Hattam - Papua
115. Helong - NTT
116. Hutan - Riau
117. Iban - Kalimantan
118. Iha - Papua
119. Jakui - Papua
120. Jambak - West Sumatra
121. Jambi - Jambi
122. Java - Yogyakarta / Jawa Timur / Tengah Java / Bali / Indonesia
123. Juru - Sumatra
124. Kabaena - Sulawesi
125. Kadayan - Kalimantan
126. Kahayan - Kalimantan
127. Kadipan - Sulawesi
128. Kaili - Central Sulawesi
129. Kalabit - Kalimantan
130. Kangean - JawaTengah
131. Kanowit - Kalimantan
132. Kapauku - Papua
133. Karimun - JawaTengah
134. Karo - North Sumatra
135. Katingan - Kalimantan
136. Kayan - East Kalimantan
137. Kayoa - Maluku
138. Kei - Maluku
139. Kelai - Kalimantan
140. Kenya - East Kalimantan
141. Kerinci - Jambi
142. Kiman - Papua
143. Kinadu - Sulawesi
144. Kinjing - Kalimantan
145. Kisan - South Sumatra
146. Kisar - South Sumatra
147. Klamantan - Kalimantan
148. Kluet - DI Aceh
149. Kodombuku - Sulawesi
150. Komering - South Sumatra
151. Kotawaringin - Kalimantan
152. Koto - Sumetra West
153. Kubu-Jambi / South Sumatra
154. Kulawi - Central Sulawesi
155. Kulisusu - Sulawesi Tenggara
156. Kupang - NTB / NTT
157. Lage - Sulawesi
158. Lajolo - South
159. Laki - Sulawesi Tenggara
160. Lalaeo - Sulawesi
161. Lambatu - Sulawesi
162. Lights - South
163. Lampung - Lampung
164. Land Dayak - Kalimantan
165. Larantuka
166. Laras Fordata - Maluku
167. Laut - Riau
168. Lawangan - West Kalimantan
169. Lebong - Bengkulu
170. Leboni - Sulawesi
171. LEMATANG - South Sumatra
172. Leti - NTB / NTT / Maluku
173. Lindu - South
174. Lingga - Sumatra
175. Lio - NTB / NTT
176. Lisum - Kalimantan
177. Loda - Maluku
178. Loinang - Sulawesi
179. LOM - Sumatra
180. Lombleng - NTB / NTT
181. Lombok - NTB
182. Long Giat - Kalimantan
183. Long Kiput - Kalimantan
184. Long Wai - Kalimantan
185. Lundu - Kalimantan
186. Lugat - Kalimantan
187. Lubu - Sumatra
188. Maayan - West Kalimantan
189. Maba - Maluku
190. Madura - East Java / Bali
191. Mairasi - Papua
192. Makasar - South Sulawesi
193. Makian - Maluku
194. Mamak - Sumatra
195. Mamasa - South
196. Memberamo - Papua
197. Membaro - NTB / NTT
198. Mamuju - South
199. Manado - North Sulawesi
200. Mandailing - North Sumatra
201. Mandar - South Sulawesi
202. Manggarai - NTB / NTT
203. Mangki - Sulawesi
204. Manikion - Papua
205. Manyukei - Kalimantan
206. Mapia - Papua
207. Mapute - Sulawesi
208. Marea - NTB / NTT
209. Marindanim - Papua
210. Maronene - Sulawesi
211. Masenrempulu - Sulawesi
212. Matano - South
213. Mbaluh - Kalimantan
214. Medan - Sumatra
215. Meibrat - Papua
216. Melanau - Kalimantan
217. Malay - Kalimantan / Sumatra / Riau / Jambi / Bengkulu / Lampung
218. Mengkongga - Sulawesi
219. Mimika - Papua
220. Minahasa - North Sulawesi
221. Minangkabau - West Sumatra
222. Misol - Papua
223. MOA - Maluku
224. Moni - Papua
225. Morotai - Maluku
226. Mualang - Kalimantan
227. Muna - Sulawesi Tenggara
228. Murik - Kalimantan
229. Hypochondriac - Kalimantan
230. Murut - Central Kalimantan
231. Musihulu - sumatra
232. Muyu - Papua
233. Mori - Central Sulawesi
234. Moronene - Central Sulawesi
235. Bage Keo - NTB / NTT
236. Nafuna - Sumatra
237. Ngada - NTB / NTT
238. Ngayu - West Kalimantan
239. Nias - North Sumatra
240. NilaTeun Serui - Maluku
241. Numfor - Papua
242. Obi - Maluku
243. Orang Depok - Jawa Barat
244. Orang Laut - Sumatra
245. Orang Tugu - DKI Jakarta
246. Osing - East Java
247. Ot Danum Ngayu - West Kalimantan
248. Ot Danum Punan - Central Kalimantan
249. Pakambia - Sulawesi
250. Pakawa - Sulawesi
251. Pakpak - Sumatra
252. Palembang - South Sumatra
253. Palu - Central Sulawesi
254. Pamona - Central Sulawesi
255. Pantai Timur - Papua
256. Pantar - NTB / NTT
257. Panyalai - West Sumatra
258. Parigi - Sulawesi
259. Patai - Kalimantan
260. Patani - Maluku
261. Patasiwa White - Maluku
262. Patasiwa Black - Maluku
263. Pebato - Sulawesi
264. Penghulu - Jambi
265. Penyabong - Kalimantan
266. Piliang - West Sumatra
267. Pipikoro - Sulawesi
268. Pisang - West Sumatra
269. Pitu Ulama - Sulawesi
270. Prihing - Kalimantan
271. Ponosokan - Sulawesi
272. Pontianak - Kalimantan
273. Poso - Sulawesi
274. Pulo - Sumatra
275. Punan - Central Kalimantan / Kalimantan Barat
276. Pu'u Mboto - South
277. Rampi - South
278. Ranau - South Sumatra
279. Rato - Sulawesi
280. Rawas - Indonesia / Lampung
281. Rejang - Bengkulu / South Sumatra
282. Riau - Sumatra
283. Riung - NTB / NTT
284. Roma Dama - Maluku
285. Rongkong - Sulawesi
286. Rote - Nusa Tenggara Timur
287. Ruma - NTB / NTT
288. Saban - Kalimantan
289. Sabu - Nusa Tenggara Timur
290. Sadang - South
291. Sadong Dayak - Kalimantan
292. Sakai - Riau
293. Salawati - Papua
294. Saluan - Sulawesi
295. Salu Maogge - Sulawesi
296. Samarinda - Kalimantan
297. Samin - Central Java
298. Sangau - NTB / NTT
299. Sangir - North Sulawesi
300. Sapudi - Java
301. Saputan - Kalimantan
302. Sami - Papua
303. Saruyan - Kalimantan
304. Sasak - West Nusatenggara
305. Schouten - Papua
306. Sebop - Kalimantan
307. Segal - Kalimantan
308. Sekadau - kalimantan
309. Sekah - Sumatra
310. Seko - Sulawesi
311. Selaru - Maluku
312. Selayar - South
313. Samendo - Lampung
314. Senggi - Papua
315. Sentani - Papua
316. Seram - Maluku
317. Sermana - Maluku
318. Serua - Maluku
319. Serut - Papua
320. Seti - Maluku
321. Seumeulu - Sumatra
322. Siang - Kalimantan
323. Sichole - Sumatra
324. Sidin - Kalimantan
325. Torch - Sulawesi
326. Sikka - NTB / NTT
327. Sikumbang - West Sumatra
328. Simalungun - North Sumatra
329. Simalur - Sumatra
330. Simelu - DI Aceh
331. Singkil - DI Aceh
332. Siong - Kalimantan
333. Sokah - Bengkulu
334. Solor - NTB / NTT
335. Sula - Maluku
336. Sumba - East Nusatenggara
337. Sumbawa - Nusa Tenggara Barat
338. Sunda - East Java
339. Tabuyan - Kalimantan
340. Tagal - Kalimantan
341. Talaud - South
342. Tali Abu - Maluku
343. Talang - Riau
344. Tampus - Java
345. Tanibar - Maluku
346. Taman - Kalimantan
347. Tabe'e - Sulawesi
348. Tambelan - Sumatra
349. Tambak - West Sumatra
350. Tamiang - In Aceh
351. Tangalan - Kalimantan
352. Tanjung - West Sumatra
353. Tapung - Sumatra
354. Tamonan - Kalimantan
355. Tarakan - Kalimantan
356. Tawaelia - Sulawesi
357. Teluk Jayapura - Papua
358. Tengger - East Java
359. Ternate, Maluku
360. Teun - Maluku
361. Tidung - East Kalimantan
362. Timur - Sumatra
363. Toala - South
364. Toba - North Sumatera
365. To Balantik - Sulawesi
366. To Belo - Maluku
367. To Replace - South
368. To Gian - South
369. Togitil - Maluku
370. Tojo - South
371. To Laiwa - South
372. To Landawe - Sulawesi
373. Toli - Toli - Sulawesi
374. To Loinang - Sulawesi
375. Tolour - Sulawesi
376. Tombolu - Sulawesi
377. To Mini - Sulawesi
378. To Mori - South
379. Tompakawe - Sulawesi
380. Tondano - South
381. Tonsawang - Sulawesi
382. Tonsea - Sulawesi
383. Tonsina - Sulawesi
384. Toraja - South Sulawesi
385. Totemboan - Sulawesi
386. Treng - Kalimantan
387. Tring - Kalimantan
388. Uhundun - Papua
389. Ukit - Kalimantan
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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Indonesia Culture

This nation has thousands of languages, ethnic and diverse culture, with the diversity of culture can be an important asset for the nation's progress. Thanks to the wisdom we have this local identity. Be pitied, but very Inheritance When our ancestors, we know not and we must preserve. Even more ironic when more intellectual heritage is claimed by another nation.'s Time we realize how beautiful Indonesia. Therefore:
"Get to know people Culture, love this country!"
I'm sorry to hear that and Reog Ponorogo batik, bali sculpture, the song has claimed another nation, grieve
whether we should stay silent?
experience is the future teachers, we have corrected the error in time.

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