Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ponimin: Mbah Petruk eyeing Yogyakarta

Jakarta - If scientists volcanology expressed similar cloud Petruk not mean anything, Ponimin (50) the so-called "magic" like Mbah Maridjan, have their own interpretation.According to him, nose Petruk implies overlooking Merapi Yogyakarta Yogyakarta target. 
"It is true that in the direction of Yogyakarta, Merapi Yogya targets," said Ponimin reporters when met at Kaliadem, Umbulharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman, Friday (29/10/2010).
Why Yogyakarta is targeted? Ponimin had his own reasons, he believes that because the nature of the people there.
"In Yogya is a lot of people are not good, they are targeted Merapi. The penunggunya already angry with the condition of society," said Ponimin who when found was "diantre" foreign journalists. 
Ponimin explain, to address needed repentance. Communities can improve practice. "If you do not want to become targets of angry residents of Yogyakarta Merapi, my wife said, we have a lot of the Koran," he explained. 
Ponimin with 7 members of his family survived the hot clouds of Merapi. He and his family took refuge under her mukena commonly used prayers. Ponimin house only 200 meters from the house Mbah Maridjan. 
Ponimin known citizens of the slopes of Merapi as the number two after Mbah Maridjan. He used to call people to ward off rain or hold selamatam. 
Ponimin said that figure was similar Petruk Merapi is one of the watchman. "Indeed, at the peak of Merapi is the figure of Mbah Petruk, I never met. His features rich mbah-mbah. But there are many jinn and the elders, such as Kiai Purnomo Sidik, Permadi professor, professor Romo, professor Branjang Wesi, and there are grandparent Guntur Geni, "he explained. 
Suswanto (40), residents Srumbung, Magelang, perpetuating Petruk shaped cloud with his cell phone camera shots on Monday, October 25 after dawn. Some elders in the village interpret it as a sign that there will be a big eruption of Merapi. Mbah Petruk head facing south means that the disaster will occur in Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. 
Just to note, Merapi alert status applied, starting October 25 at 06.00 pm. Merapi erupted the next day at 17:02 until about 19:00 pm and is terdahsyat eruption until this week. 
Head of Research and Technology Development Kegunungapian (BPPTK) Subandriyo assess Petruk-shaped smoke there was no sense of anything. "Smoke like it could be anything. If there was a sign that said there will be a larger eruption I guess it was just a myth," said Subandriyo. 
Subandriyo said that such forms (similar Petruk) can indeed occur as a result of a combination of shadow. As in the eruption of Merapi in the past year, an eruption of smoke also have human-like statues. (NDR / NRL) 

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